Curriculum Statement - Creative Design

‘If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original’ – Ken Robinson

Powerful Knowledge in Creative Design

Powerful knowledge is the realisation that most of the items or products we interactive with on a daily basis are designed by humans, for humans for a reason. Students should be made aware that Design and Invention provide solutions for human needs and desires. Students are to know that design is there to aid comfort, transport, physical needs, communication, health and also for aesthetic reasons. Real world problems are used to develop the students understanding of the huge, life-changing role and impact a designer can have:

A knowledge of some important design movements and their origins from culture.

Knowledge of materials, their origins, strengths and weaknesses, in subject specific areas to help develop outcomes that are more realistic.

A good understanding of how environment considerations can impact design decisions, positively and negatively.

Sustainability in materials and power.

A knowledge of Biomimicry

Understanding of ergonomics and anthropometrics. All students should be able to apply the iterative design process to provide solutions to given problems developing the ability to argue, justify and present with confidence and clarity. Powerful – to discuss, experiment, evaluate, discuss, experiment (and repeat) = the iterative design process.


Curriculum Features

Our curriculum is built around problem-based learning. Students are grouped in Years 7 & 8 and taught to provide solutions amicably and realistically. In Year 9 they are taught to generate initial group solutions which are then further developed on an individual basis.

  • Year 9 Bionics: Focus on problems for others – Solution based project to cover, basic materials and the concept of Bionics – Prototyping throughout.
  • Year 8 Sustainable living: Focus on Sustainable living – Solution based project to cover – materials, Biomimicry and sustainable power-  Design work in teams with Prototyping throughout
  • Year 7 Transport: Focus on modern transport technologies – Solution based project to cover, modern materials and aerodynamics – Individual prototyping – with team decisions made as to the best outcome, oracy and rhetoric an essential feature of Year 7 learning.


Co-curriculum Enhancement

We offer subject specific enrichment every lunchtime and after school, trips and visits relating to all areas – galleries, workshops and places of employment, industry. We have visiting specialists in all fields – STEM specialists, practitioners, designers, ex-students to inspire and motivate, plus mentoring by KS5 students. Competitions take place in all subject areas, accessible to all. Some competitions target specific groups. We also offer Unit 6 – for practical classes in specialist areas – Graphics, Product Design and Textiles. This will enable students to apply extra curricular-gained knowledge to timetabled lessons or for use as standalone skills-based learning.