CHHS win Trust Science Fair 2023

CHHS win Trust Science Fair 2023

On Wednesday 21st June, Cheadle Hulme High School (CHHS) students took part in the Laurus Trust KS3 Science Fair at Laurus Cheadle Hulme (LCH). The Laurus Trust Science Fair is an annual competition between Trust secondary schools where teams of students present...
ChemQuiz Success

ChemQuiz Success

Earlier this month, four students from Cheadle Hulme High School (CHHS) attended the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemquiz at Manchester Metropolitan University. The Chemquiz is an annual competition for schools in Greater Manchester that has been running since...
Relationships Sex Education (RSE) Optional Parent Survey

Relationships Sex Education (RSE) Optional Parent Survey

We are currently reviewing our Relationship and Sex Education Policy to ensure that our current practices meet the needs of our students and reflects the local community we serve. As part of the process we are encouraging parents and carers to have their say by...
Students excel in Maths Feast challenge

Students excel in Maths Feast challenge

Cheadle Hulme High School (CHHS) students achieved an outstanding result at the Maths Feast challenge. The Maths Feast is a fun and educational event hosted by Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). The challenge is a great way for students to test their...
Students explore their futures for National Careers Week

Students explore their futures for National Careers Week

Cheadle Hulme High School celebrated National Careers Week (NCW) by hosting a range of events for students to get involved in. NCW aims to help young people discover different career pathways and consider their future aspirations. Each year group had access to virtual...