Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to common questions about life at Cheadle Hulme High School (CHHS).

Starting School

What should I do if my child is anxious about starting high school?

Please try to reassure your child that everyone will feel anxious and it is normal to feel this way when starting a new school and getting used to a new environment.

Many students will be joining us without knowing anyone. They will soon get used to high school, settle in and make new friends. If they are anxious and nervous about social times, they can make use of our quieter areas such as Matrix.

When will I find out my child's Form Group?

All Form and House information will be sent home via a letter during the summer before your child starts at CHHS.

Who should I go to if I have a query?

In the first instance, it is best to contact your child’s Head of Year (HOY) either by emailing [email protected], [email protected] or by calling the main school number: 0161 485 7201.

For any SEND issues, please contact our SEND team by emailing [email protected] or by using the main school number.

If necessary, we can then arrange to meet or we can direct you to the correct member of staff to help deal with your query.

If you have any queries before your child starts Year 7 in September, please email [email protected].

Who should my child go to if they have an issue?

They should go to their Form Tutor, Pastoral Head of Year, or Mrs Higgs if it is SEND-related.

What time does school start and finish?

Please refer to the school day timetable on our Term Dates webpage.

Students are allowed in the school building from 7.45am. Rhe school dining room is open serving breakfast from this time.

What time do Year 7 have lunch?

At the beginning of the year, Year 7 students will be on first sitting.

This means they can go for early lunch at approximately 12.30pm.

Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch. If buying food from the canteens, please ensure your child has enough money on their account. Whilst we would never let a child go hungry, the canteen cannot authorise food purchases if the account would go into a negative. After lunch, they can play outside in their designated playground, take part in extracurricular clubs or make use of our quieter areas such as matrix.

What extracurricular clubs can my child do?

Clubs will be announced during the first few weeks of the term. These will be announced in class by teachers, through form time, booklets and within department noticeboards.

Our Electives webpage has more information about our extracurricular opportunities.

What language will my child learn?

At CHHS students are taught either French, Spanish or German.

If they would like to, they will have the option to learn a second language in Key Stage 4.


Can my child have time off during term time?

We will support your child’s time off if they are competing in a competition with extracurricular clubs or taking examinations, for example in Music.

We will also support unavoidable medical appointments. We will not usually support or authorise holidays during term time – please refer to our attendance policy for further details, this can be found on our policies page.

What if my child is unable to attend school due to illness?

If your child is unwell and unable to attend, please contact school at your earliest convenience via the MyChildatSchool app or text 07860 054396 and select the absence option to report their illness.

Please read our Absence page for more information.

What if my child becomes unwell during the school day?

We have a dedicated First Aider on premises at all times.

Students should report to First Aid if they feel unwell. We will assess your child and contact you if required. Students should not contact home before seeking first aid in school.

Mobile Phones & Uniform

When can my child use their mobile phone?

Mobile phones are NOT allowed to be used in school.

However, we appreciate that many students use these to contact home on their way to and from school.

If your child needs to contact you during the school day, they should see their Head of Year or Student Reception.

How short can my child have their hair cut?

Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school – no shaved heads or excessively short hair, no patterns in the hair or radical hair colours. For further information, please refer to our uniform policy by visiting our policies page.

What shoes can my child wear?

At CHHS we do allow students to wear ALL black and ALL leather Converse, Superstars or similar versions.

Students are also able to wear other school shoes including Dr Marten’s shoes (but not boots).

Students are not allowed to wear any other kind of trainer for school. For further information and guidance please refer to our Uniform page.


Where can I find bus information?

Bus information can be found by visiting our Travel to School page.

Can my child cycle to school?

Yes, we encourage students to cycle to school. There is a secure bike storage on site. All students must wear a cycling helmet when riding their bike.