

The assessment of students’ learning and progress is central to effective teaching and learning. The purpose of this assessment is:

  • to provide teachers, students and parents/carers with a continuous record of progress at Key Stages 3 and 4
  • to provide students with useful information regarding the success of their learning and to help them identify strengths and weaknesses and identify strategies for improvement
  • to motivate students by providing them with short and long-term targets
  • to provide teachers with useful information about their own effectiveness and so inform their planning
  • through the reporting system, provide parents/carers with a clear picture of their child’s progress and achievements, identifying strengths and weaknesses and setting targets for development


KASH Reports

KASH stands for Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits.

Progress in each area is determined by a student’s subject teacher as either 5 (concern), 4 (cause for concern), 3 (secure), 2 (enhancing) or 1 (excelling) compared to curriculum expectations.

Knowledge and skills descriptors for subjects can be found in the curriculum section of our website for the relevant year group.

Useful Information & Resources

The Assessment Process

The assessing of students is an ongoing process and gathers evidence from a variety of sources:

  • Classroom observation
  • Written work in the classroom
  • Preparation, Practice & Retrieval
  • School tests and assessments
  • Predictions based upon prior attainment
  • External examination including GCSE/BTEC/GCE examinations

Exam Preparation

As part of the school’s assessment process, our students will sit internal test/exams during each academic year. KS4 and KS5 students will also take external exams. In order to assist our students with their revision, the study skills guidance material below has been made available for them. Additional support can also be obtained by students from their subject teachers, Heads of House, Form Tutors and Heads of Year.

More exams information can be found on the Exam Information page.

KS3 Foundation Stages Reference Guides

For information on your child’s foundation stage please view the below documents:


Teaching over time is resulting in high levels of progress in all Key Stages and subjects in the school and for all groups of learners.  It is supporting standards in GCSE and AS examinations which are much higher than those found nationally.  Teachers know their subjects extremely well and are secure in their knowledge of the needs of each of their students to ensure that the levels of challenge are appropriate for all individuals and groups to enable the highest possible rates of progress.  Students who are academically more able are equally stretched to reach the highest possible standards in their examinations.

Ofsted December 2014