Cheadle Hulme High School, has once again bucked the national trend with two thirds of all A Level grades at A*, A or B. This is an amazing achievement by our Year 13 students. An incredible 35 students, over a quarter of the Class of 2023, received 3 or more A* and A grades, and of those, a magnificent seven have gained highly competitive places either to study at Oxford or Cambridge or to read Medicine or Veterinary Science at university.
Every Year 13 student has displayed the attitudes, qualities and habits throughout their time in Sixth Form which have culminated in impressive grades to enable them to face with confidence the workplace, degree apprenticeships and university.

Students (left to right) Ceri Douglas, Libby Conway, Hannah Jackson and Daisy Baxter collecting their A Level results.
Dave Brown, Headteacher at Cheadle Hulme High School, said:
“We are incredibly proud of the exceptional results achieved by the hard work and determination of our Year 13 students, particularly given the challenges they have faced over the last few years. This is a true testament to the combined efforts of our students and their teachers, with the ongoing support of their parents and carers. We are looking forward to hearing how their futures unfold via our Old Laureates network as their Life After Laurus begins.”
Linda Magrath OBE, CEO of the Laurus Trust, added:
“We are delighted by the continued stellar success of students at Cheadle Hulme Sixth Form which sets the gold standard for our new Laurus Sixth Forms opening at Hazel Grove, Didsbury and Laurus Ryecroft next month. The Class of 2023 at Cheadle Hulme Sixth Form are the true embodiment of the Laurus Trust vision and have demonstrated that students who join a Laurus Sixth Form are in the best possible position, regardless of their personal background or circumstance, to open the door to the future of their choice”.

CHHS students Robert Kenworthy, Alex Marks and Joshua Evans in cheerful spirit as they collected their A Level results.