The courage, perseverance and optimism of Cheadle Hulme High School’s Year 11 students, coupled with their hard work and that of their teachers, has resulted in an outstanding set of GCSE outcomes for the class of 2021.
Students have been tenacious in their approach to their GCSE studies despite the setbacks presented by COVID-19 over the last 18 months.
Dave Brown, Head of School, said: “From the moment GCSE exams were cancelled in January students switched seamlessly to online learning and, embracing the changes fearlessly, found new ways of engaging with feedback from their teachers.
“Staff were remarkable in their swift and creative adaptation to the challenges of the virtual learning environment. They took great care of students and their wellbeing so that students were best prepared for their year’s assessment process.
“This has resulted in a stellar set of results which will ensure that our students are ready for the next stage of their education, whether that is here at Cheadle Hulme Sixth Form, or elsewhere.
“We must not underestimate the amazing achievements of this cohort of students against the backdrop of a global pandemic. We are extremely proud of each and every one of them.”
Our Year 9s also received their Modern Foreign Languages GCSE result today and we’re equally proud of their exceptional results.

Y9s Sam Kendrick and Oliver Wilkinson, Abdul-Bassit Abid, Grace Spilsbury, Louisa Mairs and Amelia Price, and Macy Cundill, Ellie Davidson, Emily Aldiss, Jonathan Havercroft, Edward Knight, Maya Kler with their results